Wednesday, July 20, 2016

{Video} Our Video Overview of Indy Do Day 2016

by Lisa Treadwell

Here's the new video detailing exactly what Indy Do Day 2016 is all about, along with a bit of background on the event's history.

As co-chairs of the Indy Do Day 2016 committee, Michael Schiele and I invite you to watch the video, learn more, and then plan to join us September 29, 30, and October 1, 2016.

Join Us and #LetsDoThis

Friday, July 1, 2016

2016 Indianapolis Fireworks Times/Schedules: 4th of July Events, Food Ideas, Recipes, Fashion, and Fireworks Safety

by Lisa Treadwell

From Carmel to Fishers to Washington Township to downtown Indianapolis, here are Indiana fireworks time and schedules, plus my annual Fourth of July fun page to supply you with some basic info and a few fun ideas to add even more sparkle to the holiday. Have fun and be safe! 

Central Indiana Fireworks Times Courtesy of Indy with Kids

4th of July Outfits & Fashion Ideas

Indianapolis Fourth of July Food & Recipe Ideas