by Lisa Treadwell
Turkey fryers produce turkey taste that is manna from heaven. Paradoxically, they may produce house fires and burns to your skin that can be tragic and the spawn of the devil.
Here are a couple videos to help you safely enjoy an Indiana Thanksgiving. All hail William Shatner and turkey fryer safety tips. #ShatnerFryersClub
Turkey fryers produce turkey taste that is manna from heaven. Paradoxically, they may produce house fires and burns to your skin that can be tragic and the spawn of the devil.
Here are a couple videos to help you safely enjoy an Indiana Thanksgiving. All hail William Shatner and turkey fryer safety tips. #ShatnerFryersClub
How to Safely Deep Fry a Thanksgiving Turkey
Winter is a Great Time to List an Indianapolis House for Sale
Sell in January or February when the competition is slumbering and your house commands top dollar with fewer houses on the market!
Contact Lisa for a No-Obligation Analysis of How Much Your House is Worth
Sell in January or February when the competition is slumbering and your house commands top dollar with fewer houses on the market!
Contact Lisa for a No-Obligation Analysis of How Much Your House is Worth